The Romanian cultural presence in the USA will be celebrated within a major event called „Romania at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival 25th Anniversary Celebration – 1999-2024”, which will take place on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, in the Aula Magna of the Romanian Academy.
The event will be organised by the Romanian Academy and Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) and will also include an anniversary concert which will be performed on July 1st, 2024, at the Romanian Atheneum (Ateneul Român), presenting musical compositions of George Enescu and George Gershwin.
The event is meant to celebrate the cultural presence of Romania in the United States of America, which was marked after the anti-communist Revolution in 1989 by the cultural event held in 1999 at the Smithsonian Institution. It also aims to set new steps in developing this cultural presence, starting also from strategic benchmarks established at the Smithsonian Institute event in 1999.
Distinguished guests both from Romanian and USA have already confirmed their attendance, including past and present representatives of the academic, cultural, and political life (e.g., presidents, ministers, ambassadors).
The event will be hosted by university professor Ioan-Aurel Pop, the president of the Romanian Academy, and coordinated-moderated by the university professors Daniel David (Romanian Academy & UBB), Eliot Sorel (George Washington University, USA), and Mircea Dumitru (Romanian Academy).