THE INSPIRE Week – The Launch of the INSPIRE Platform

INTRO: THE INSPIRE Platform – InfoBioNano4Health&Biomedical Imagining ( – is probably the most advanced one between Western Europe and China (e.., including the first in Romania: 7 Tesla MRI for clinical use and 11,7 Tesla MRI for preclinical use) and one of the world-class academic & research infrastructures worldwide. It hosts two flagships UBB institutes – International Institute for Mental Health and Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Bio-Nano-Sciences -, supporting the new UBB biomedical program – UBBMed in UBB School of Health (


  • Coordinated by UBB Science Vice-rector, Dr. Adrian Petrușel ( Most of the meetings will take place at Nuferilor Str. NN (Arany Janos Street, no. 11), Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania.

Monday, May 20, 2024

10.00-10.05: Welcome – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.05-10.15: About the INSPIRE Project – Project Director, Dr. Simion Simon

10.15-10.20: From the INSPIRE project to the INSPIRE Platform: Institutional Developments – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.20-10.50: Guests speeches

  • European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth (video message)
    • Iliana Ivanova
  • Ministry for Research, Innovation and Digitalization
    • Bogdan Ivan, Ministry
  • Romanian Academy – UBB Strategic Academic Partner
    • Ioan-Aurel Pop, President
  • Cluj-Napoca City Hall

o Emil Boc, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca

  • Harvard University (Harvard Medical School – Martinos Center), USA– Strategic Academic Partner
    • Ovidiu Andronesi, Associate Director
  • Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Germany – Key Academic Partner
    • N. Jon Shah, Director
  • Siemens Healthineers Romania – Strategic Industrial Partner
    • Claudia Oanea, CEO
  • Brucker – Strategic Industrial Partner
    • Oezlen-Ferruh Yasar 
  • European Institute for Innovation and Technology by EIT Health Romania – Institutional Partner
  • Key current collaborators (planned/ongoing collaborations/projects) (alphabetically):
    • Wolfgang Bogner (online/video message on May 21, 2024) & Dr. Gilbert Hangel – Vienna Medical University
    • Joana Braga Pereira and Dr. Kristoffer Månsson – Karolinska Institute
    • Luisa Ciobanu – Neurospin CEA Saclay
    • Irina Voiculescu – Oxford University

o   Dr. Philipp Kanske – TU Dresden

  • A special event for the involvement of science & medical schools of EUTOPIA ( will be organize in June 2024, when the representatives of all 10 EUTOPIA universities will be at UBB

10.50-11.05: Press Conference (Q&A)

11.05-11.25: Visits in the Labs.

11.25-12.00: Discussions (including all guests; moments of signing various new partnerships and interventions for other guests from abroad and from the country)

15.00-17.00: Speciality Discussions (Room CLUB, Em. de Martonne Street, no.1)

17.00-18.30: INSPIRE Platform Conferences: Dr. S. Simon, Dr. R. Fechete, Dr. A. Fărcășanu: Preclinical MRI results at Ultra High Magnetic Field (Room CLUB, Em. de Martonne Street, no.1)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

9.00-9.45: Inspire Platform Conferences: Dr. N. Jon Shah: Layer-Specific Resting State fMRI at 7T and Oxygen Extraction Imaging and Dr. Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens (Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Germany): TBA

10.00-10.05: Welcome – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.05-10.20: From the INSPIRE project to the INSPIRE Platform: Institutional Developments – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.20-10.30: Guest speech

  • The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)

 Dr. Adrian Curaj

  • Wolfgang Bogner (online/video message)

10.30-11.00: Visits in the Labs

11.00-12.00: Discussions ((including other guests from abroad and from the country)

12.00-12.15: Press Conference


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

10.00-10.05: Welcome – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.05-10.20: From the INSPIRE project to the INSPIRE Platform: Institutional Developments – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.20-10.30: Guest speech

  • Ministry of Research & Innovation – Andrei Alexandru, State Secretary
  • Ministry of Investments and European Projects – Ovidiu Cȃmpean, State Secretary

10.30-11.00: Visits in the Labs

11.00-12.00: Discussions (including guests from abroad and from the country)

12.00-12.15: Press Conference

12.30: Lunch  (UBB Pyramid – Academic House, Em. de Martonne Street, no.1)

 15.00: BrainQ Events (Sindicatelor Street, no.7):

  • Film projection: In Silico (Director Noah Hutton)
  • UBB World-Class Psychology School: From experimental psychology by cognitive psychology to cognitive (neuro)sciences/No one is ahead of their time: How the (neuro)sciences failed to become a unitary science: Dr. Daniel David (UBB); Dr. Ovidiu Andronesi (Harvard University, USA); Dr. Andrei Dumbravă (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași); Dr. Raul Mureșan (Transylvanian Institute of Neuroscience/UBB); Dr. Lavinia Uscătescu (Virginia Tech., USA).

Thursday, May 23, 2024

10.00-10.05: Welcome – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.05-10.20: From the INSPIRE project to the INSPIRE Platform: Institutional Developments – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.20-10.40: Guest speeches

  • Romanian Government – Mircea Abrudean, Secretary General
  • Local authorities

10.40-11.00: Visits in the Labs

11.00-12.00: Discussions (including guests from abroad and from the country)

12.00-12.15: Press Conference

Friday, May 24, 2024

(“In-House” Event – UBB & collaborators)

10.00-10.05: Welcome – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.05-10.20: From the INSPIRE project to the INSPIRE Platform: Institutional Developments – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.20-10.40: Visits in the Labs

10.40-12.00: Discussions

16.00-19.00: Neuroscience in Transylvania (Sindicatelor Street, no. 7, Cluj-Napoca): Transylvania Institute of Neuroscience and Experimental Neuroscience Summer School. A partnership UBB – Transylvania Institute of Neuroscience

Saturday, May 25, 2024

10.00-10.05: Welcome – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.05-10.20: From the INSPIRE project to the INSPIRE Platform: Institutional Developments – UBB Rector, Dr. Daniel David

10.20-10.30: Guests speeches

  • Ministry of Education
    • Ligia Deca, Ministry

10.30-11.00: Visits in the Labs

11.00-12.00: Discussions

12.00-12.15: Press Conference