When & Where: 16th of November 2018, 2-4 p.m., Room 13 (Rosca), Street Sindicatelor 7, Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education, UBB. Free entrance.
2 p.m. – Opening speech (Adrian Roșan, head of the Special Education Department, UBB).
2:10 p.m. Interactive lecture 1 (50 min): Introduction to Service-Learning – Tradition and examples of good practice around the world (Luz Avruj, CLAYSS, Argentina).
Short break
3:10 p.m. – Interactive lecture 2 (25 min): The democratic values of Romanian teachers (Gabriel Bădescu, UBB).
3:35 p.m. Interactive lecture 3 (25 min): SLIHE Erasmus project: Needs and Readiness for Service-Learning in Eastern and Central European Institutions (Alzbeta Brozmanova Gregorova, Matej Bel University, Slovakia & Alina S. Rusu, UBB).
Service-Learning (SL), also known as community-oriented learning (în limba română: învățare înspre comunitate), has started to become a signature pedagogical practice in many educational institutions around the world, by targeting the development of civic competencies of students in relation to their curricula. With a strong tradition in US and Argentina, SL has only recently started to be implemented in the Central and Eastern European Institutions, as part of the Third Mission of Universities, i.e. the civic development and social engagement of students and teachers. This symposium offers a general view on SL at international level, as well as on the readiness and awareness of Romanian teachers toward practices addressing the civic development of students. The symposium is hosted by the Department of Special Education (Babes-Bolyai University), in collaboration with New Horizons Foundation (www.noi-orizonturi.ro), as a pre-conference event of the third edition of Arhitects of Education conference (AoE). The AoE conference is targeting pre-university teachers and this year is adressing civic and socio-emotional developments of the students through SL. Luz Avruj (CLAYSS, Argentina) and Alina S. Rusu (UBB) are also key speakers at Architects of Education Conference. The two events are both organized in Cluj-Napoca, which is a city with strong community-oriented volunteering tradition among students, thus an optimal ground for SL implementation at institutional level.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/520506355040989/