Babeș-Bolyai University (BBU), through its Academic Cultural Heritage Department (DPCU), offers the David Prodan Fellowship meant to support research projects in humanities and social sciences.
The David Prodan Fellowship is meant to support persons working in academia and the cultural field (from Romania and abroad), who have produced original scientific works.
The David Prodan Fellowship consists of:
- free accommodation in the room dedicated to this purpose, located in the David Prodan Memorial Museum, for 1–4 weeks;
- free access to the documentary library in the museum;
- access to the specific research infrastructure;
- ensured scientific communication with the staff of Babeș-Bolyai University.
The David Prodan Fellowship is awarded based on a candidate selection process organised by DPCU.
For evaluation, candidates are expected to submit an application with the following documents to patrimoniu@ubbcluj.ro:
- letter of intent regarding participation in the competition, with a project proposal for the research expected to be carried out during the applicant’s stay in Cluj-Napoca (a maximum of 1,500 words);
- CV, professional activity, and list of publications;
- the publication(s) representative of the fields mentioned above, in electronic format;
- a reference from the head of the institution the candidate is affiliated with or from a renowned figure in the above-mentioned fields
Competition schedule:
10-17 September 2024: submission of applications;
18-20 September 2024: evaluation of applications;
23 September 2024: publication of preliminary results;
24 September 2024: submission of appeals;
25-26 September 2024: settlement of appeals;
27 September 2024: publication of final results.
The recipient must give at least one public talk during the internship. The presentation will take place at the David Prodan Memorial Museum on a date established by mutual agreement between the recipient, the museum staff, and the Scientific Board for Awarding the David Prodan Fellowship.
Please see further details regarding the David Prodan Fellowship Regulations (evaluation and award criteria, etc.) in Romanian here, and in English here.