Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (BBU) ranks 642 in the field of Psychology-Cognitive Sciences, as the only Romanian university in the URAP ranking (University ranking by Academic Performance – https://urapcenter.org/), according to the publication at the beginning of August 2022.
General psychology and psychology as cognitive science in Cluj have been of global reference for many years now – this has been confirmed by the presence in world rankings of scientists included in top 2% as the most cited scientists in the world etc. -, and the field of cognitive science is referential to the psychology developed in Cluj.
Beginning with the 2022-2023 academic year, BBU will deliver a Bachelor’s degree in English in the field of psychology-cognitive sciences, thus naturally adding it to the already existing academic cycles in this field of psychology in Cluj – Master’s, Doctorate, Postdoctorate, advanced research.
“Psychology-Cognitive Sciences is thus created, developed and implemented through a collaboration between the Departments of Psychology and Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. The internationally visible human, didactic and research resource is represented by experts in cognitive psychology; other experts in key fields related to cognitive sciences (cognitive neurosciences, informatics, cognitive linguistics, philosophical logic, philosophy of the mind and epistemology etc.) will also be joining the team. The specialisation is focused around a high quality initial training of future experts in psychology and connected cognitive sciences. Through its specific objective, the programme aims to guarantee a robust interdisciplinary training that facilitates the understanding and handling of fundamental knowledge of psychology and other related cognitive sciences, in order to maximise on them within scientific-investigative and practical-applying contexts”, said the dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences at BBU, prof. Adrian Opre.
“I am glad to see that, aside from the traditional research done in cognitive sciences, in Cluj, we have recently completed all education levels by adding cognitive sciences. Also, I’m pleased to have the Cluj school of psychology and cognitive sciences confirmed in international rankings. We will be in close collaboration with academic centres around the country, especially with colleagues from the University of Bucharest, who have already delivered a Bachelor’s programme in Psychology-Cognitive Sciences – we will collaborate with them to continue the spread of cognitive paradigm across the entire related academic environment in Romania”, said the BBU rector, prof. Daniel David.
Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (BBU) is the university with the oldest academic tradition in Romania (founded 441 years ago – 1581), representing the largest academic community in the country (with over 55,000 students and staff members, in 15 cities and 11 counties). Since its foundation, BBU has been part of the gallery of prestigious and referential universities in Romania, and during the past 7 years it has ranked first in the country, in the University Metaranking, which combines the major international rankings of universities. For several years now, BBU has occupied top positions at national level in the global rankings and in rankings on fields; it has constantly been among the 5% of world universities, with an advanced academic infrastructure (e.g., RDI units integrated into European networks, modernised didactic laboratories integrated with virtual/augmented/mix reality through the BBU-EON-XR Centre etc.). Recently (in 2021), following an international audit by QS STAR, BBU has been confirmed as the first “world-class” (QS*****) university in Romania, and in 2020 it was accepted into the GUILD, the organisation of some of the most prestigious world-class/research-intensive European universities, it has received the HR Award for Excellence, and in 2021/2022 it has become part of the EUTOPIA European university alliance.